
PocketSyncDatabase is a core component of PocketSync that manages local SQLite database operations while enabling seamless data synchronization. It wraps the sqflite package, providing all of its functionality while adding powerful synchronization capabilities.

Key features

1. Automatic change tracking

PocketSyncDatabase automatically monitors and tracks all database changes:

  • Inserts, updates, and deletions are automatically captured
  • Changes are logged with appropriate metadata
  • No manual tracking or change logging required

2. Full SQLite compatibility

As a wrapper around sqflite, PocketSyncDatabase supports all standard SQLite operations:

  • Raw SQL queries
  • Prepared statements
  • Transactions
  • Batch operations



PocketSyncDatabase is automatically initialized when PocketSync.initialize is called. You can get the instance using:

final database = PocketSync.instance.database;

Basic operations

// Insert data
await db.insert('users', {
  'id': 'user1',
  'name': 'John Doe',
  'email': 'john@example.com',

// Query data
final users = await db.query('users');

// Update data
await db.update('users',
  {'name': 'John Smith'},
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: ['user1'],

// Delete data
await db.delete('users',
  where: 'id = ?',
  whereArgs: ['user1'],


PocketSyncDatabase supports transactions for atomic operations:

await db.transaction((txn) async {
  await txn.insert('users', {
    'id': 'user1',
    'name': 'John Doe',
  await txn.insert('profiles', {
    'user_id': 'user1',
    'avatar': 'default.png',

Batch operations

For multiple operations, use batch processing:

final batch = db.batch();

batch.insert('users', {
  'id': 'user1',
  'name': 'John Doe',

batch.insert('users', {
  'id': 'user2',
  'name': 'Jane Doe',

await batch.commit();

Why should you use PocketSyncDatabase ?

1. Automatic sync integration

PocketSyncDatabase automatically handles:

  • Change tracking
  • Version management
  • Conflict detection
  • Data synchronization

2. Familiar API

  • Uses the same API as sqflite
  • No learning curve for existing SQLite developers
  • Seamless integration with existing code

3. Zero configuration

  • Change tracking works out of the box
  • No manual sync code required
  • Automatic conflict resolution

Best practices

  1. Always use PocketSyncDatabase

    • Don’t bypass PocketSyncDatabase by using raw SQLite
    • All changes must go through PocketSyncDatabase to be tracked
  2. Use transactions

    • Group related operations in transactions
    • Ensures data consistency
    • All changes in a transaction sync together
  3. Batch operations

    • Use batch operations for multiple changes
    • More efficient than individual operations
    • Changes are tracked as a single unit