
PocketSync is the main orchestrator of all synchronization operations. It exposes a singleton object PocketSync.instance that manages initialization, user authentication, and sync control.


PocketSync follows a simple lifecycle:

  1. Initialize the sync engine
  2. Authenticate users
  3. Control sync operations (start/pause)
  4. Clean up resources when done


Before using PocketSync, you need to initialize it with your project configuration:

await PocketSync.initialize(
  dbPath: path,
  options: PocketSyncOptions(
    projectId: 'your-project-id',
    authToken: 'your-auth-token',
    serverUrl: 'https://api.pocketsync.dev',
  databaseOptions: DatabaseOptions(
    onCreate: (db, version) async {
      // Define your database schema
      await db.execute(
        'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS your_table(...)',


  • dbPath: Path to your SQLite database file
  • options: PocketSync configuration options
    • projectId: Your project ID from the PocketSync console
    • authToken: Your project’s authentication token
    • serverUrl: PocketSync server URL (defaults to https://api.pocketsync.dev)
    • conflictResolver: Custom conflict resolution strategy (defaults to applying remote changes)
    • silent: Whether to suppress console logs (defaults to true in release mode, false in debug mode)
  • databaseOptions: SQLite database configuration
    • onCreate: Required callback to create your database schema
    • version: Database schema version number (defaults to 1)
    • onConfigure: Optional callback for database configuration before creation/opening
    • onUpgrade: Optional callback for handling database schema upgrades
    • onDowngrade: Optional callback for handling database schema downgrades
    • onOpen: Optional callback triggered after database is opened

User authentication

After initialization, you need to set a user ID to identify the current device’s owner:

await PocketSync.instance.setUserId(userId: 'user-123');

This step is crucial for:

  • Identifying which user’s data to sync
  • Managing access control
  • Tracking changes per user

Controlling sync operations

Starting sync

To begin synchronizing data:

await PocketSync.instance.start();

This will:

  • Connect to the PocketSync server
  • Upload local changes
  • Download remote changes
  • Keep data in sync across devices

Pausing sync

To temporarily pause synchronization:


This is useful when you want to:

  • Conserve battery/network usage
  • Perform large batch operations
  • Prevent immediate sync during sensitive operations

Resource cleanup

When you’re done with PocketSync (e.g., user logs out), properly dispose of resources:

await PocketSync.instance.dispose();

This will:

  • Stop all sync operations
  • Close database connections
  • Clean up memory resources
  • Disconnect from the server

Best practices

  1. Initialize early: Call initialize() as early as possible in your app’s lifecycle, typically in main()

  2. Handle errors: Wrap PocketSync operations in try-catch blocks:

try {
  await PocketSync.initialize(...);
  await PocketSync.instance.setUserId(userId: 'user-123');
  await PocketSync.instance.start();
} catch (e) {
  print('PocketSync error: $e');
  1. Cleanup resources: Always call dispose() when cleaning up your app or logging out users

  2. User Management: Update the user ID whenever the authenticated user changes

Example implementation

Here’s a complete example showing proper PocketSync usage:

void main() async {
  final dbPath = join(await getDatabasesPath(), 'my_app.db');
  try {
    // Initialize PocketSync
    await PocketSync.initialize(
      dbPath: dbPath,
      options: PocketSyncOptions(
        projectId: 'your-project-id',
        authToken: 'your-auth-token',
        serverUrl: 'https://api.pocketsync.dev',
      databaseOptions: DatabaseOptions(
        onCreate: (db, version) async {
          await db.execute(
            'CREATE TABLE items(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)',

    // Set user ID
    await PocketSync.instance.setUserId(userId: 'user-123');
    // Start syncing
    await PocketSync.instance.start();
  } catch (e) {
    print('Failed to initialize PocketSync: $e');

// In your app's cleanup/logout logic:
void cleanup() async {
  await PocketSync.instance.dispose();