What is Offline-first?

Offline-first is an architectural approach that prioritizes a seamless user experience regardless of network connectivity. PocketSync implements this pattern by allowing your application to work fully offline while automatically managing data synchronization when connectivity is restored.

How PocketSync handles offline scenarios

Local-first operations

  1. Immediate Local Updates

    • All database operations are performed locally first
    • Changes are immediately reflected in the UI
    • No waiting for server response
  2. Change queueing

    • Modifications are recorded in local system tables
    • Changes are queued for later synchronization
    • Order of operations is preserved

Sync process

  1. Connection detection

    • PocketSync monitors network connectivity
    • Automatically initiates sync when online
    • Handles intermittent connections gracefully
  2. Change resolution

    • Local changes are sent to server
    • Server processes and validates changes
    • Conflicts are resolved using defined strategies
  3. Data consistency

    • Version tracking ensures data integrity
    • Changes are applied in correct order
    • System tables maintain sync state

Implementing offline-first

Best practices

  1. Data structure

    await db.execute('''
      CREATE TABLE items (
        id TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        content TEXT,
        created_at INTEGER,
        updated_at INTEGER,
  2. Error handling

    try {
      await db.insert('items', {
        'id': const Uuid().v4(),
        'content': 'New item',
        'created_at': DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
        'updated_at': DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch,
    } catch (e) {
      // Handle error locally
      // Data will sync when connection is restored
  3. UI feedback

    StreamBuilder<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>(
      stream: db.watch('SELECT * FROM items'),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        return Column(
          children: [
            // Show sync status
            if (!isOnline)
              const Text('Working offline - changes will sync when online'),
            // Display items
              itemCount: snapshot.data?.length ?? 0,
              itemBuilder: (context, index) => ItemWidget(
                item: snapshot.data![index],

Handling edge cases

  1. Long offline periods

    • Changes are preserved indefinitely
    • Sync resumes automatically when online
    • Data integrity is maintained
  2. Conflict scenarios

    • Multiple devices modifying same data
    • Server-side conflict resolution
    • Custom resolution strategies available
  3. Storage limitations

    • Efficient change tracking
    • Periodic cleanup of processed changes
    • Optimized storage usage


  1. Enhanced user experience

    • No interruption in functionality
    • Immediate response to user actions
    • Smooth transition between online/offline
  2. Data reliability

    • No data loss during offline periods
    • Consistent state across devices
    • Robust sync mechanism
  3. Developer friendly

    • Simple integration
    • Automatic sync handling
    • Built-in conflict resolution

Common patterns

Optimistic updates

// Immediately update UI and sync later
await db.transaction(() async {
  await db.insert('items', newItem);
  // UI updates immediately
  // Sync happens in background

By following these patterns and best practices, you can create robust offline-first applications that provide a seamless user experience regardless of network conditions.